i5 / example game-plan

NOTE: this example lesson / game-plan was generated by INDUSTRY 5.0

Two teams within a company will compete in a turn-based simulation to optimize the demand-supply network over a multi-year period.

Your company’s i5 Admin may act as a ‘Facilitator’ for innovation and experimentation activities by constructing various scenarios with unexpected disruptions.

The game will be facilitated by an instructor who introduces variability and volatility events. The winning team will be the one that achieves the best comprehensive design and demonstrates superior anticipatory skills.

Game Setup

Team AFocused on efficiency and cost reduction.
Team BFocused on sustainability and resilience.
FacilitatorConfigures and introduces unexpected events (environmental, political, economic changes).
Game RoundsEach round represents a multi-month period, resulting in multiple rounds over a multi-year period.

Initial Setup

Baseline DataCurrent state of the supply chain network
(inventory levels, supplier contracts, logistics providers, market conditions).
Initial KPIs
(efficiency, sustainability, resilience metrics).
ObjectivesImprove overall supply chain performance. Anticipate and respond to unexpected events. Balance efficiency, sustainability, and resilience.

Round 1: Initial Assessment and Strategy

Team A:Analyze current inventory levels and supplier performance.
Identify cost-saving opportunities
– e.g., renegotiate supplier contracts, optimize logistics routes
Team B:Assess sustainability practices of suppliers and logistics providers.
Develop plans to improve resilience.
– e.g., diversify suppliers, invest in renewable energy sources

Round 2: Implementing Initial Strategies

Team A:Renegotiate contracts with key suppliers to secure lower prices.
Implement a new inventory management system to reduce holding costs.
Team B:Begin transitioning to suppliers with better sustainability practices.
Invest in renewable energy projects for key facilities.

Round 3: Responding to Demand Surge

Team A:Increase production capacity to meet the surge in demand.
Expedite shipping schedules with logistics providers.
Team B:Scale up production sustainably, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
Strengthen partnerships with logistics providers to ensure timely delivery.

Round 4: Managing Geopolitical Disruption

Team A:Identify alternative suppliers to mitigate the impact of the disruption. •Increase safety stock levels to buffer against supply chain uncertainties.
Team B:Evaluate the resilience of current suppliers and logistics routes. •Implement contingency plans for supply chain continuity.

Round 5: Adapting to Economic Downturn

Team A:Adjust production schedules to align with reduced demand.
Implement cost-cutting policies across the supply chain.
Team B:Focus on maintaining sustainability initiatives while managing costs.
Explore new markets to offset the decline in consumer spending.

Evaluation and Scoring

Winner Announcement:The facilitator announces the winning team, highlighting their strategies and how they effectively anticipated and managed unexpected events.
Debrief:Teams discuss their approaches, what worked well, and areas for improvement.
The facilitator provides feedback and insights into how the game mirrored real-world supply chain challenges and opportunities.


Metrics:Efficiency: Cost savings, inventory turnover, order fulfillment cycle time.
Sustainability: Carbon footprint, energy consumption, waste reduction.
Resilience: Supplier risk score, logistics risk score, ability to recover from disruptions.
Final Scores:Each team’s performance is assessed based on the metrics, and points are awarded accordingly. The team with the highest overall score wins, demonstrating the best comprehensive design and anticipatory skills.

By following this step-by-step approach, INDUSTRY 5.0 by Design-Science provides a dynamic and engaging way for participants to develop and apply advanced supply chain management strategies, leveraging both predictive analytics and real-time decision-making.

i5 / what can you use it for now?

The exciting near-term potential of INDUSTRY 5.0 is a game-like experience for teams to experiment and innovate.

Imagine a platform where your teams can simulate real-world scenarios in a safe and controlled environment. While the long-long term goal is for i5 to be powerful tool for optimizing supply chains. In the near-term, it’s an innovative sandbox for your teams to play, experiment, and explore new strategies without any real-world risks.

Experimentation and Innovation

Safe Experimentation: Teams can use i5 to run ‘what-if’ scenarios, testing out different supply chain strategies and seeing the potential outcomes in real-time. Whether it’s adjusting inventory levels, experimenting with new suppliers, or trying out different transport routes, the platform provides a risk-free environment to innovate.

Gamified Learning: The game-like interface of i5 makes learning engaging and fun. Teams can compete to optimize their supply chains, earn points for efficiency, and even participate in friendly competitions. This gamification helps to foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Collaborative Problem-Solving: i5 allows for multi-party collaboration, where different departments or even different companies can work together to solve complex supply chain challenges. This collaborative approach not only enhances problem-solving skills but also encourages the sharing of best practices and innovative ideas.

Real-Time Feedback: The real-time data and feedback provided by i5 are invaluable. Teams can instantly see the impact of their decisions, allowing for quick adjustments and iterative improvements. This immediate feedback loop accelerates learning and innovation.

Scenario Planning: With i5, teams can simulate various future scenarios, from sudden spikes in demand to unexpected supply chain disruptions. By preparing for these possibilities in advance, companies can build more resilient and adaptive supply chains.

Driving Innovation

Strategic Decision-Making: The insights gained from experimenting with i5 can inform strategic decision-making. Companies can identify the most effective strategies and scale them up in the real world, driving significant improvements in efficiency and competitiveness.

Continuous Improvement: The platform’s continuous learning environment encourages teams to constantly seek out new ways to optimize and innovate. This culture of continuous improvement is crucial for staying ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

Cross-Functional Innovation: i5 facilitates cross-functional innovation by breaking down silos and enabling collaboration across different parts of the organization. This holistic approach ensures that innovations are aligned with overall business goals and can be implemented seamlessly.


INDUSTRY 5.0 is not just a tool for managing supply chains—it’s a powerful platform for fostering innovation and driving continuous improvement.

By providing a game-like, collaborative, and data-driven environment, i5 empowers your teams to experiment, learn, and innovate like never before.

INDUSTRY 5.0 Demo v0.2

Here is a ‘packaged’ version of the INDUSTRY 5.0 v0.2 Demo in July 2024.

i5 Demo v0.2 July 2024

Imagine a dynamic, game-like environment for planning, managing, executing, and visualizing demand, supply, and movement.

Today, we’ll see multiple entities in a demand : supply network, interacting in real-time, represented by ai agents for sales, purchasing, and booking.

The agents listen to i5 Supply : Demand Graph updates, negotiate based on their company policies, and aim to match new demand with available supply, and autonomous transport capacity1see NŪMŪV.

Once all conditions are met, the Purchasing-Agent commits to the purchase and generates a Smart-Agreement in i5, securing each multi-party transaction.

The buyer controls the transaction. Each company has visibility into respective aspects of smart-agreements.

As new agreements are made, i5 continuously updates projected inventory forecasts, viewable anytime and utilized for planning future demand-supply scenarios.

Infor Nexus AI Supply Chain Concept

An AI-driven supply chain concept reflecting a game-like view of the supply chain, providing predictive and prescriptive course-corrections based on urgency and importance.

Primary Role: VP Product Management
Secondary Role(s): Designer, Visualization Designer, Data Scientist

Business Driver(s): Capture Market Opportunity, Low Product Perception
Results & Benefits: Improved Customer Enthusiasm, Improved Market Perception

Time Range: 2017-2017

Class: Product

stand in the future…

stand in the future to solve today’s problems

Steve Justice, Skunk Works – Lockheed-Martin

This quote really resonates with me.

After 25 years at the leading-edge of Enterprise & Supply-Chain technology with trailblazing and iconic companies – where I was privileged to learn from industry-legends – I have developed an obsession for achieving ‘elegance’ in solutions to highly-complex problems.

It is something that I have repeatedly attempted to deliver, with successes & failures. However, it is always constrained by limitations that were built-in from the start – and this means 20-50 years ago – and also from the ‘paralysis’ that comes from induced artificial-complexity, that typically compounds over time.

After resigning1from management & NOT from my colleagues – some of the very best in the business! from Infor2 a KOCH company in October 2020, I was determined to see if I could design a ‘dream system’ for global trade & logistics – for a foreseeable future. A completely-new approach to address the wicked-problems we face in the present, anticipates the potential in the next 30 years or so, and provides a concrete, realistic example of how an ideal system could be. It represents a new system-design and set of principles that could make a positive impact on ‘how the world works’ in the 21st century, and beyond.

2050 seems ambitious and aspirational enough to ‘anticipate’. Its a year I hope to see – a world where my grand-daughter will be 30 years old.

the calls for action

Supply-Chain challenges and failures are front-and-center, making today’s headlines – with calls to “re-think, or re-imagine supply-chain”, or to reduce unnecessary complexity and barriers.

To achieve the results & benefits the world needs, then we must envision what that future could be. We need to stand in the future.

taking action!

Today, with all the hype surrounding the latest concepts and buzzwords like ‘Industry 4.0’, ‘Digital Transformation’, and ‘Self-Driving’, or ‘Autonomous’ this-or-that…

You have to wonder, ‘how will we get there from here?’, and subsequently, ‘then what’?

Will it actually be ‘better’ than what we have today?

How will we get to an INDUSTRY 4.0 ‘vision’ – with a conflagration of business-processes, constructs, and assumptions from 20-50, or even 70+ years ago?

the best way to predict the future
is to invent it.


In the spirit of the ‘art of the possible’ – I dedicated myself to create something completely different than anything that exists today, with zero-dependencies on the past – that can only be appreciated when you ‘stand in the future to solve today’s problems‘ – and not to remain stuck in the past.

I have created a Supply-Chain Management Simulation Game, called INDUSTRY 5.0 – and an experimental Autonomous Logistics System for People & Cargo called NŪMŪV.

  • INDUSTRY 5.0 is a ‘serious game’ that enables you to envision business models, supply chains and logistics of the future – based on anticipated capabilities, where autonomous robotics are manufacturing & moving people & cargo – even in space!
  • NŪMŪV (i.e. ‘new move’) is an experimental multi-modal transport system-simulator – one that moves both people and cargo ‘autonomously’ – orchestrated by supply & demand, in time & space via the INDUSTRY 5.0 game.

what next?

With a comprehensive design-specification and several Patents in process, we are now in the early stages of development, and getting closer to be able to really show it off.

  • Do you want to know more?
  • Do you want to help?
  • Do you want to Invest or Partner?

We greatly appreciate any encouragement and support in this early stage.

Onward and upward!
