NŪMŪV Project Summary

say 'New-Move'!

NŪMŪV is a design-experiment exploring the truly autonomous movement of people AND cargo.

  • The PURPOSE of NUMUV is a comprehensive, anticipatory ‘re-imagining’ of cross-modal transport that could help challenge current assumptions, and prove-out qualitatively and quantitatively what an ideal future could be.
  • The INTENT of NUMUV is a system that could radically improve how the world moves.

the NUMUV Objective or ‘Job to be Done1see Job to be Done theory

By the year 2050, HOW can the world move 3x the volume of people and cargo, and do so…

  • transparently?
  • efficiently?
  • comfortably?
  • predictably?
  • safely?

NUMUV Design Hypothesis:

  1. An Autonomous robotic vehicle / transport system is fundamentally different than a ‘Driverless Car’
    • Just like a modern car is fundamentally different than a ‘horseless carriage
  2. Decoupling the ‘cabin’ from the ‘conveyance’ enables a completely new system.
    • The cabin for people does not need to be the same as the conveyance platform / chassis
    • It can be much lighter and stronger, and most importantly – infinitely customizable.
  3. Make Transfers ‘Transparent’
    • Transfers between modes are the main ‘value leak’ – waste in time & cost
  4. Orient on the discrete Person / Product being moved
    • to inform the system, not multiple intermediaries
  5. Remove all complication unrelated to core function
    • It’s very easy to add-complexity
  6. Should be an ‘open’ design – to enable clear-focused innovation opportunities for existing Companies and Infrastructure (faster, at less cost)
    • Transport designers can focus on unique new form-factors within the system (removes ‘congestion’), vs unique standalone vehicles (adds ‘congestion’)

Running a NUMUV Simulation to determine VALUE (Cost:Benefit)

To make NUMUV come alive, so we can understand the differences in volume, time, and cost – versus today, our lNDUSTRY 5.0 supply-chain & logistics solution leverages the NUMUV concept in a realistic way, modeling the movement of people & cargo within real-world physical-economic constraints of Cost, Capacity and Time – and of course, the laws of Physics.